2014年7月24日 星期四

TVLINE: Supernatural's Jensen Ackles Previews Demon Dean

TVLINE | What effect does that have on his relationship with Sam?

Sam can’t find him because he doesn’t want to be found. Because [Dean is] having fun and he knows that if Sam finds him, he’s going to do his best to reverse the demon in him. But he’s like, “I’ve got the golden ticket.” This might be a little heavy, but it made me think about heroin addicts. To them, they found the magic key. They found the recipe to happiness. People are like, “You can’t do this. This is going to ruin your life,” and they’re like, “Screw you! This makes me feel amazing. I’m going to do this. You’re the one that’s an idiot. This is the best stuff ever.” And… everyone else is watching this steady decline of this person. That’s kind of demon Dean.

TVLINE | What qualities does being a demon bring out in Dean? Does it magnify any of the aspects of him that we’ve seen already?

Oh, it’s like an ultra version of a womanizing party animal. He’s out partying in Vegas with the King of Hell, he’s got backstage passes and he doesn’t give a sh-t about anything. That’s essentially what we’re going to see.

TVLINE | So it’s safe to say that when Dean wakes up and realizes what he is, he embraces it? Or is it more, off the bat, he’s a little bit conflicted and then eventually he starts to enjoy it?

Oh, no, he embraces it very quickly. There’s no inner struggle. Because he’s not just a demon, he’s a demon with the Mark of Cain, which makes him like über demon. So there’s so much evil inside him, there’s so much devil inside him, that the practical Dean is smothered.

TVLINE | You have a big episode coming up, the 200th. [Executive producer] Jeremy [Carver] said some music is involved. Are you going to sing in the episode?

I have not read the 200th episode. I read [Episodes] 1, 2 and 3 because 3 was the one I was directing, and that was enough for my brain to process.
TVLINE | We know you can sing. Would you be up for singing on the show?
Yeah, but Dean can’t sing. [Laughs]

TVLINE | I guess, but it’s meta. So it could be Jensen singing. It could be like the sixth season episode “The French Mistake.”

It could be. This is true. It could be. You never know with this show.

TVLINE | Tell me a little bit about the episode you’re directing. Did they throw anything new at you?

Yeah, demon Dean. I had to introduce a new character. We shot this episode first so that I could prep without having to work on another episode. It’ll air third, but it’s the first time that I had to play demon Dean. So that was a bit of a curveball, trying to direct and introduce a new character, a new version of Dean that we’ve never seen before. That was a big challenge to grapple


