2014年7月29日 星期二

關於SPN 第十季

一如以往2010, 2011 SDCC SPN PANEL, 今年JENSEN 先走出來, 介紹SPN第十季,  他執導那集的TEASER. 睇完SPN 第十季TEASER, DEMON DEAN 髮型不同了, 沒有以往DEAN 那麼短.

Dean, Sam attacked attacked each other ....WooooW.

Dean好像bloody valentine的Tom, 拿著斧頭追殺人, 不過今次對像是自己弟弟Sam.

總捨SDCC劇透,  Demon Dean愛任意妄為, 喝酒打架, 唱K, 不再CARE任何人及事, 包括impala....這真是大件事, just like Souless Sam ??

其實我覺得他們劇透太多, Demon Dean欠了點神秘感. 其實他們每年都出席不少PANEL, 今次不用說那麼多吧!

看到youtube, twitter都有人說, 在云云劇組, SPN 劇組最搞笑. Jensen, Jared, Misha, Mark真的是搞笑兵團, 其他劇組一本正經答問題, 但SPN CAST 可以胡扯,腦筋轉得好快.

photo source:
1. pbs.twimg.com

2014年7月24日 星期四

Supernatural Season 10 綜合劇透

TCA說了這麼多, 其實今個星期SDCC還有什麼可以說呢?

上星期五, 美國Television Critics Associaton, SPN panel, Jeremy, Jared, Jensen接受不同媒體採訪, 綜合了Eonline, tvguide, tvline, variety, popsugar, tvfranatic等訪問, 第十季大慨會見到......

踏入S10, 第二百集會是musical , 有原創及改編歌曲, 我當然希望可以聽到Jensen 唱歌, 但Dean不會唱歌....

第十季, 我希望睇到Sam點樣瘋狂找哥哥Dean, 看Dean跟Crowley如何相處? 看Dean壞到什麼地步, 有沒有傷害無辜的人? 看playboy demon dean. 如果Sam知道Dean是Demon, 知道Crowley引導Dean成魔, Sam的反應?

Sam本身不知道Dean發生什麼事, 他不知道Dean已經變成Demon, 他用極端方法去尋找及救Dean. 沒錯, 愛哥哥, 願意為哥哥犧牲一切的Sam回來了, 大家可以忘記第8季他不打算救Dean, 第9季, 他說不跟Dean做兄弟的事情.

以往Dean為Sam煩惱, 為Sam擔, 為Sam流淚, 在第十季, 這情況逆轉了. 當Sam心急如焚找Dean, Dean反而逃避Sam, 不想Sam救他, 他想Sam放手, 讓Dean繼續做其逍遙自在, powerful的 demon dean. Dean竟然好快接受新的身份, 他不想Sam把他轉回普通人, Dean可以任意當女人湯丸, 隨意玩樂, 不受限制. 當然, JC點會去得咁盡, Dean仍然是Dean, 仍然保持一份自省, 自覺.

第10季會引入一名強勁HUNTER COLE, 聽聞是帥哥, 但就是更帥, 我都只會喜歡Dean, 他跟Sam一樣去尋找Dean, 而Dean跟一名女生, 估計是Rowena, 會有一種respect既關係, 但Jensen說, demon dean is asshole, 即是他跟Rowena關係不會是情人了. SPN從來都沒有真正的love Story.

Demon Dean 還有mark of cain在手, 當然不會受制於Crowley, Crowley提出的合作方案, Dean多半不會答應,  Crowley會如何牽制Dean呢?

看Jeremy的劇透, 原來最壞的, 不是Dean, Sam才是true monster, 這是我最不欣賞的做法. 好似第四季翻版, Dean tortured human soul with joy, but Sam drunk demon blood....可能我覺得如果SPN要轉變, 應該兩位互換位置, 現在只是舊酒新瓶, 可能我要求太極端, JC 要保持FANS喜愛的角色特質, 如Jensen都希望Demon Dean保留一點昔日的Dean.

TVLINE: Supernatural's Jensen Ackles Previews Demon Dean

TVLINE | What effect does that have on his relationship with Sam?

Sam can’t find him because he doesn’t want to be found. Because [Dean is] having fun and he knows that if Sam finds him, he’s going to do his best to reverse the demon in him. But he’s like, “I’ve got the golden ticket.” This might be a little heavy, but it made me think about heroin addicts. To them, they found the magic key. They found the recipe to happiness. People are like, “You can’t do this. This is going to ruin your life,” and they’re like, “Screw you! This makes me feel amazing. I’m going to do this. You’re the one that’s an idiot. This is the best stuff ever.” And… everyone else is watching this steady decline of this person. That’s kind of demon Dean.

TVLINE | What qualities does being a demon bring out in Dean? Does it magnify any of the aspects of him that we’ve seen already?

Oh, it’s like an ultra version of a womanizing party animal. He’s out partying in Vegas with the King of Hell, he’s got backstage passes and he doesn’t give a sh-t about anything. That’s essentially what we’re going to see.

TVLINE | So it’s safe to say that when Dean wakes up and realizes what he is, he embraces it? Or is it more, off the bat, he’s a little bit conflicted and then eventually he starts to enjoy it?

Oh, no, he embraces it very quickly. There’s no inner struggle. Because he’s not just a demon, he’s a demon with the Mark of Cain, which makes him like über demon. So there’s so much evil inside him, there’s so much devil inside him, that the practical Dean is smothered.

TVLINE | You have a big episode coming up, the 200th. [Executive producer] Jeremy [Carver] said some music is involved. Are you going to sing in the episode?

I have not read the 200th episode. I read [Episodes] 1, 2 and 3 because 3 was the one I was directing, and that was enough for my brain to process.
TVLINE | We know you can sing. Would you be up for singing on the show?
Yeah, but Dean can’t sing. [Laughs]

TVLINE | I guess, but it’s meta. So it could be Jensen singing. It could be like the sixth season episode “The French Mistake.”

It could be. This is true. It could be. You never know with this show.

TVLINE | Tell me a little bit about the episode you’re directing. Did they throw anything new at you?

Yeah, demon Dean. I had to introduce a new character. We shot this episode first so that I could prep without having to work on another episode. It’ll air third, but it’s the first time that I had to play demon Dean. So that was a bit of a curveball, trying to direct and introduce a new character, a new version of Dean that we’ve never seen before. That was a big challenge to grapple


2014年7月21日 星期一

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes 猿人爭霸戰:猩凶崛起

蠻有意思的一部電影, 睇2D已經足夠, 因為3D效果奇差  ! Caesar, Malcom都希望人類, 猩猩能夠和平共處, 但夢想美麗, 現實殘酷. 總有因為仇恨, 猜忌, 恐懼, 自身利益而挑起戰爭, 很多因素令到 "和平"遙不可及, 所以現在世界這麼紛亂.最後Caesar 跟 Malcom 話別, 說猿人首先挑起戰爭, 人類是不會原諒, 沒錯心底有根刺. 片中, 有一幕 Caesar看回自己年幼時跟Will 相處, 很窩心, 亦很無奈, 回不了美好時光. 而電影內, 猿人表情細膩, 令故事更具說服力.


辦公室政治? 屢見不鮮! 但我還是很喜歡"阿修羅" 黃智龍的劇本, 我明白這世道, 就是要依循遊戲規則辦事, 協商平衝各方利益的重要性,但做人應該有底線, 有某些堅持, 所以我好喜歡劇內潘SIR, 梁SIR最後還是依從良心辦事.  

此劇道出: 夢想與現實的差距, 還有最重要的..."人性" !!  你懷有夢想, 想改變現有制度, 你就要踏入那個權力高層, 其實當你踏進第一步, 你可能已經不自覺地被同代. 以為自己成了話事人? 其實只是一隻棋子, 如果你不能夠平衡各方利益, 你還是被踢出局, 同流合污, 才能夠穩穩當當. 夢想變成空中樓閣! 上層有上層遊戲規則,  但並不表示基層不重要, 劇內那位校工亦可以左右大局.

舞台劇附設現場演奏, 效果很好, 很喜歡那場暗示跳樓的安排, 及潘SIR, 梁SIR打籃球對話, 有一種校園的感覺!

PS: 今次潘燦良又再次飾演老師, 我想起去年看的"教授"

2014年7月6日 星期日


富本土色彩的鬼片, 故事採取雙線發展, 其中一條線交代事情始末. 第一次執導的張家輝,  採用這種穩陣手法, 無可厚非, 總好過故弄玄虛, 不能收尾. 某些情景熟口熟面, 對恐佈片常客而言, 欠缺新鮮感, 驚嚇程度大打折扣, 然而光線, 音效配以張家輝入木三分的演技, 某幾幕仍然能夠營造出令人心寒的氣氛, 如用電腦看閉路電視畫面那一幕.