2014年6月29日 星期日


爸爸跟我說: " 你好彩, 認識到這麼一個願意為朋友 "出錢出力" 的朋友.  我都好感恩,感謝SANDY 這位朋友. 在我最無助的時候, 總會拔刀相助, 今天又幫我搬及執拾東西數小時, 汗流夾背, 很賣力的, 這種仗義幫忙, 很感動的! 這不是第一次, 之前也已經幫了不少忙. 我感謝朋友SANDY 這份恩義, 其實她可以陪家人啦, 可以約朋友啦, 好多事情可以做, 但當我向她求助, 她總是二話不說, 說答應了.  今天還請我及爸爸吃LUNCH.

2014年6月28日 星期六


林德祿偏愛寫實手法, 劇情不會嘩眾取寵, 所以Z風暴也不會像其他警匪般不斷扭橋, 當好多警匪片都好浮誇的時候, 我欣賞此片的踏實, 而且節奏亦緊湊明快, 沒有拖沓. 有些對白諷刺時幣, 可圈可點, 不過看某報導, 正場被刪了, 我看優先場是有的. 某些人物如羅冠蘭那角色, 有影射成份, 令內容更具真實感. 

內容堆砌了接近3小時, 類似恐龍啦, 異形啦, 飛車啦, 柯柏文好似King Arthur 用劍, 還把恐龍當馬騎, 這場面滑稽得很. 劇情胡扯之餘, 還拖得太長, 我中段亦睡了片刻, 醒來我都可以理解到劇情, 這類片的橋段來來去去都是某幾種模式. 大量植入式廣告是意料中事, 很多商業片也會這樣, 此片擺明就是叫你千萬 "不要帶腦入場", " 不要深究劇情" 那些不合理, 純粹睇CGI 就好了.

2014年6月19日 星期四

希望SPN 第十季的Demon Dean 是.....

SPN第四季, 4X11 Family remains, Dean提到他在地獄喜歡torture the souls, 這令他帶來快感, 而所有內疚感亦一掃而空. 第十季, showrunner Jeremy Carver 會不會也令Demon Dean減少自責, 減少抱怨, 跟Crowley做哥兒們, 做點瘋狂事, 如 TORTURE souls or even human ? 希望Demon Dean常掛著壞壞的笑, 勾人魂魄的眼神, 告別以前絕望, 痛苦無助的表情, 享受那種knight of hell 帶來的力量! 這才是SPN 新局面, 如果跟從前的Dean一樣, 那麼變成Demon 太沒意思了!!! 如果運用這種力量, 把Benny從煉獄帶回來, 也挺好! 因為Dean, Benny的兄弟情也很好看. 此外, Demon Dean 應該獲得不少女demon垂青, abbadon, red eye, lust 等不少女demon 都對Dean "虎視眈眈" , 哈哈.

第八季故事已舖排好demon有得醫, 但如果Sam醫好Dean , Sam會死, 這是Dean不容許的. 儘管Demon Dean可能嗜殺, 但記憶仍在, 相信依然愛護弟弟, 不會讓弟弟為自己而死. Demon Dean會否自殺, 因為變成了自己最討厭的東西?  身份不同了, Demon Dean的想法可能有所不同, 正如Crowley說"see what I see, feel what I feel " , Crowley亦會引導Dean往另一方向想 ! Dean就是在Crowley誘導下, 找到first blade, 得到Mark of Cain, Dean其實在不自覺中, 被Crowley 操控了. 第十季, Sam/Cass Vs Dean/ Crowley 真是SPN一個亮點! 新組合, 新火花, 當然Dean/ Crowley 這幽默組合, 一定會淡化沉重的劇情, 他們妙語如珠, 會令SPN 帶來不少歡樂! 而Sam/Cass 肯定是傳遞愛組合! Dean常覺得不被重視, 隨時被遺棄, Sam/Cass令他失望, 第十季, 應該是Sam/Cass出盡九牛二虎之力, 把Demon Dean變回正常人, 令Dean充分體會到Sam及Cass的愛, 兄弟及朋友的愛!

還想說, Dean在SPN死了無數次, 但今次他的"死亡" , 我看了無數遍, Jensen Ackles無論表情, 身體語言表達得實在太到位, Jensen, Jared的演出太有說服力, 為兩兄弟感到很心痛. 其實覺得有點突兀, 第八季Dean去了煉獄, Sam也沒有打算救他, 這才令Dean在第八季產生抱怨.
第九季季尾卻又如此緊張找Crowley救回哥哥. 但身為SPN粉, 只要兩兄弟和好, 大家願意犧牲一切救對方, 我還是開心第九季季終有這些兄弟情節.  期待第十季, 但仍希望第十季是最後一季, 香港有句話很對 " 見好就收", 而不是去到無人看, 才被腰斬. 而且JENSEN可以向電影界發展, 始終希望他多點嘗試拍攝不同類型電影, 展現更多不同面貌, 而不是十幾年都在演Dean.  Winchester, 儘管我很喜愛, 超級喜愛這個令人開心, 令人心碎的Dean Winchester, 天下無不散之筵席!

2014年6月16日 星期一

Brick Mansions (法國版是Banlieue 13)

這部電影被人批評得體無完膚, 很多意見都認為就算改編自Banlieue 13, 而Brick Mansions亦出自Luc Besson手筆, 但畫面及動作設計方面, 不應該抄到一模一樣, 加上Paul Walker打鬥方面,
比不上Cyril Raffaelli , 沒法子做到跟David Belle互相輝映, 導致動作場面比不上原版好看.

我就沒有看過Banlieue 13, 在沒有比較之下, 我覺得Brick Mansions是一部很不錯的動作片, 沒有驚喜, 但亦沒有冷場, parkour, 打鬥, 飛車一幕緊接另一幕. David Belle-parkour的始創人, 寶刀未老, 相隔十年, 依然身手不凡. 而Paul Walker擅長飛車, 我覺得David Belle及Paul Walker配合得幾好睇.


2014年6月11日 星期三

轉載: 英國Independent Supernatural season 9: Why the TV series is so popular almost a decade on

Now approaching the end of its ninth season, US sci-fi/fantasy show Supernatural is making its way up the list as one of the longest-running TV dramas of all time, with more than 190 episodes having aired since 2005.

What started off as a show about two brothers who fight monsters has developed over time into an epic action-packed tale of angels, demons and monsters - and so far it shows no signs of stopping.

Having gone from strength to strength in almost a decade, Supernatural has attracted an astoundingly large and dedicated fan base, forming an internet community of millions all over the world.

Several Supernatural conventions take place every year - from Rome to Melbourne- without fail, with fans coming in their thousands to celebrate the show together.

But what is the secret to the long life of this show? And why does it attract the most dedicated of fans, willing to travel miles for the sake of discussing a TV series?

It's typical sci-fi/fantasy escapism

Watching the long-suffering Winchester brothers come up against monsters, demons, angels and one apocalypse after another is a sure-fire way to make your own troubles seem small.

Not only does this draw fans in early on, but it keeps them watching- over the years they've become so invested that they'll keep watching until the bitter end.

But it’s also about the real world

It’s the strange, turbulent, yet unconditionally loving family relationships that drive the over-arching Supernatural storyline.

Sam and Dean struggle with their sibling relationship throughout the show, while their angel friend Castiel deals with divides within his own family (we all know what happened with Lucifer), and finds himself having to choose between his family in heaven and his love for humanity.

And it makes you cry

A combination of heartfelt writing and beautiful acting means that Supernatural isn't just a fantasy show, it’s also a drama guaranteed to make you sob into a pillow at some point.

Sam Winchester's demon blood problem will strike a chord with anyone who’s dealt with addiction, and Castiel's conflicted search for approval from his family (who just happen to be the heavenly host) is something anyone with family troubles can relate to.

But it's also hilarious

The show is filled with snappy and hilarious one-liners, the majority of which come from lovable villain Crowley, who gives just the right amount of comic relief to a show that might otherwise be too depressing.

There are also intermittent episodes throughout that leave behind the apocalypse temporarily and find Sam and Dean engaging in funnier antics, including an episode where Sam and Dean accidentally become the actors that play them, and another where the characters inadvertently turn up at a Supernatural convention.

Plus there's an undeniable homoerotic subtext

'Shipping', originally formed from the word 'relationship', has recently come to the attention of mainstream media, but fans have been willing characters to get together for decades.

If fan conventions are anything to go by, one of the things that keeps fans watching is the (frankly undeniable) homoerotic subtext that runs throughout the show, most prominently between Dean Winchester and the angel Castiel.

'Destiel' most likely started as a fandom quirk, and a joke among the writers. Over time, though, cast and producers of the show have acknowledged repeatedly that there is an ambiguity surrounding the nature of their relationship. Producers know the show owes some of its success to this phenomenon and will play up to it as much as they can.

Fans can’t stop talking about it on the internet…

It's a running joke on Tumblr that everyone always knows what is happening on Supernatural, even if they have never watched it.

The internet community means that even when a Supernatural season ends, people continue to talk about it. If there are gaps in the show, the fans will fill them with their own creativity – writing stories, making art and speculating about what will happen in the future.

…which means the fans are in control

One of the most notable things about the 'shipping' phenomenon is that it shows, to an extent, that the fans are as much in control of the show as the producers.

In recent years, fans have taken control of what they watch thanks to the internet. Writers now know exactly what their fans want to see, and while they don't always give it to them, it's almost always taken into consideration.

And the actors reward the ‘Supernatural Family’ fanbase

Supernatural has the power to last longer than other shows because it has become more than a show, it's a community.

This community, which the actors call the 'Supernatural Family' creates a tight-knit bond between fans, cast and crew, which means fans are willing to stick with the show no matter what.

Misha Collins has been to fifty seven fan conventions, despite only having been in the show since season four (Jared Padalecki, who plays Sam Winchester, comes in at a close second, with fifty four).


2014年6月2日 星期一

Filth DVD

收錄了導演Jon S. Baird, 作者Irvine Welsh及主角James McAvoy訪問, 還有Deleted/Extended/Outakes Scenes .

電影改編自Irvine Welsh同名小說. 講述蘇格蘭警察Bruce Robertson查案之餘, 自身深受困擾, 導致濫酒濫藥及濫交, 變成不折不扣的墮落警員. 所以本片列為R/三級. 電影前段, 不少我覺得是annoying, disturbing scenes, 但到了逐步揭開Bruce傷痛的經歷, 有點同情他, 特別是他坐在樓梯哭訴妻子女兒離開了他, 那份悲情無助, 教人心痛. 但我還是不認同他的行為. 他屬於執著, 難以釋懷, 變成極端, 鑽進牛角尖. 他的結局, 我可以預料到, 但最終破案的方法, 有點出人意表. 我沒有看劇透, 所以真的有點驚訝! 但尚算合情合理. James McAvoy完全掌握到角色自大自傷自憐, 內心抑鬱, 情緒失控的狀況, 成功塑造出有血有肉的Bruce Robertson. 在我心目中, James McAvoy絕對是影帝級演技.

異空戰士 (Edge of Tomorrow)

外國很多科幻電影及劇集, 都愛以"時間迴轉"為題材. 異空戰士 (Edge of Tomorrow) 比我想像中好睇, 多點笑料. 有足夠娛樂性, 交代劇情又不算亂, 女角選得好, Emily Blunt果真一副戰鬥架.
結尾最富爭議性, 大家不太明白男主角為何再有reset能力, 或是omega還存在嗎? 這個我也不大了解, 但從男主角的笑容來看, omega應該消失或是不會再來. 此片可能如source code一樣, 男女主角死得太多次, 於是來個happy ending !!  


繼《掃毒》之後, 《竊聽風雲3》亦用一班麻甩佬唱舊歌, 唱出昔日情懷. "風雲" 原唱者是仙杜拉, 現在由林家棟, 林嘉華, 方中信, 劉青雲, 古天樂唱, 對我而言, 帶點喜感. 其實歌詞跟《竊聽風雲3》的內容挺配合, 幾位圍村角色唱起來, 符合歌詞裡的感觸 .

電影講丁權問題, 故事離不開利益衝突, 利慾薰心, 兄弟父女互相計算. 本片要交代的事情著實太多, 時間卻又不足夠, 於是用對白交代, 令本片某些情節張力欠奉. 一眾演員演出到位, 群戲多, 誰也搶不了誰的風頭.  最後衝車, 我亦想起"掃毒" , 其實這類片, 撞車是否必然性? 因為男人就是喜愛互撞? 片中, 有句對白, 周迅講的, 片尾吳彥祖亦以此作結 :" 地是用來種東西, 不是用來買賣." 我很喜歡這對白, 但香港地小人多, 有點不可能. 整體而言, 其實我是滿意這部電影.

